What makes you remarkable?
Ok – Answer me this – What makes you remarkable?
Hard right? Why is it so hard to acknowledge the good things you are doing (especially now!) and why is it even harder to say them?
Last night I am proud to say I took this online connection thing to a new level. 30 people globally from France, Slovakia, Germany, Australia, Spain, Greece, Mexico, USA, Poland, Cameroon and Nigeria.. all there to become #IamRemarkable facilitators. It was fun. It was powerful. It was emotional.
The idea is simple - a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond… because turns out we are not very good at it! Self promotion can be often seen as bragging (strangely especially in Women).. it is not a very female thing to do or a very British thing in fact. ‘Don’t boast, brag or be bossy’ we are bought up to learn and so we do just that – quietly squirrelling away our achievements in our pockets for no one to see or hear.
This isn’t just a little sad, it is actually damaging – damaging the extent women and underrepresented groups can progress, lead and break glass ceilings, start businesses, grow businesses and close the gender pay gap. It damages the effort to diversify businesses, sectors and the workplace. Having the power to be able to self promote AND challenge the social perception around self-promotion is vital if we want a world where everyone can achieve.
So if you fancy it – come practice with me. I will be running FREE #IamRemarkable workshops online sooooooon (once I work out the tech) to empower and challenge. And I suppose I better finish my saying;
#IamRemarkable because I trying to homeschool my kids, start a business and still get to sleep.
#IamRemarkable because I learnt how to be an IamRemarkable facilitator with 30 other people across the globe.
There - done. Not that hard.
#IamRemarkable, #empoweringwomen, #selfpromotion, #showyourachievements, #femalefounder